Acrylic on paper
One of ten limited digital editions of a sole physical original. Part of tryptic exploring meaning.
There are a number of ways of representing our challenge to understand meaning in the world, and in ourselves:
(1) The world is fundamentally ordered and meaningful, with any sense of disconnect with the world the result of barriers we create around us which hinder, rather than help.
(2) The world is fundamentally chaotic, and we, also flawed, create structures of meaning around us to define our world
(3) The world is fundamentally chaotic. We are, at our core, meaningful, and seek to create a world around us that reflects that meaning.
The second work in this series, explores the sense that we, fundamentally disordered and chaotic, create structures of meaning around us to protect and order the world that we encounter.
This work is perhaps the most nihilistic of the series, and evokes a sense of the sublime – a small structure sitting in the midst of an untameable sea.
The physical original uses BLK 3.0 paint, absorbing over 95% of light, further highlighting the insubstantial nature of the structure.